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Thanksgiving Success: Preparation is Key

You have two weeks until Thanksgiving. The day before is known as the busiest travel day of the year as families travel all over the country just to spend a solid day together, enjoying each other's company. It's also the day that we've all been known to have several minor heart attacks as we run back and forth to the grocery store getting every item that we forgot, and scrambling around the house to do that last minute cleaning and maintenance.

Thanksgiving success

We want to save you some stress. Here's a handy list of November Home Maintenance tips for you to knock out this weekend.

1. Clean out your pantry and fridge: These areas will be heavily travelled during the Holiday season. Make sure to toss out those leftovers hiding at the back of your fridge and those boxes of expired fruitcake leftover from last season.

2. Check Dryer and Hoses for Lint Buildup - You'll be doing more than your fair share of laundry. Extra towels from guests, shirts with cranberry sauce stains. Save yourself the trouble and to this 5 minute clean up.

3. Clean your Dishwasher - Your dishwasher is the real MVP of the holiday season. Take some time to give it a good scrub and you won't regret it.

4. Replace Outdoors Bulbs - It's getting darker earlier and these lights will inevitable go out at the worst possible time. Use your daylight hours this weekend to beat them at their own game.


Monday ...........................

Tuesday ...........................

Wednesday .....................

Thursday .........................

Friday ..............................

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Sunday ............................













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800 Bass Drive

Santee, SC 29142


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