A Cure for Black Thumb

Is your yard brown and barren? Are your houseplants wilted and depressed? Does your fake plant seem to be on its' last leg? If so, you may have a case of the dreaded black thumb. We, at Santee Hardware, are here to help you through this environmental crisis.
First, you're going to want to start small. A true recovery from black thumb is a process, but well worth it. Sure, you've got a large yard and plenty of space for one of those whimsical HGTV gardens, but for now let's stick with a small 5 foot plot. Once you've succeeded in a full season of gardening, you can add more space the following year.
Now it's important for your success that one you've picked your garden spot, that you make sure to pick out the plants that thrive in that specific environment. If it gets full sun, you'll want to choose plants that need lots of light. If it's a shady spot, get the plant that will thrive in the shade. Plants do not care about where you think they should go.
Now, you've picked your reasonably sized spot and the plants that will thrive there. Great. Time to create a watering habit. In general, most plants need to go a bit dry and then get thoroughly watered. A deep soaking less often is better than a little every day.
The last step in your recovery is to spend time in and observe your garden daily. Not only will you begin to notice subtle changes in your plants that could indicate disease or insects, you'll also reap the full benefits of having and cultivating a garden.
"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."