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Forget the Cold: Let's Garden

Santee Hardware, Let's Garden Cover

With bomb cyclones, snow on the ground and temperatures below freezing, we know you're developing a severe case of cabin fever. We have just the cure. Planning your garden is sure to soothe all the symptoms of your cabin fever. Here are some of our suggestions on how to plan and execute the best garden you've had in years.

Review Your Tools

Pull out your gardening gear and spend some time cleaning and sharpening them. You may even be able to feel the warmth trapped inside them from summer. Also make sure to throw out that old bent trowel. You can always come down and spend some time talking to us about your gardening plans and we can let you know if you're missing any tools.

Start Seeds Indoors

Cold season vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, cabbage, and more seedlings can be started indoors in February. You can then transplant them to your cold frame or transplant them once the ground is workable or the date of last possible frost has passed. So while you're sitting inside, go ahead and take some time to plan out your garden so you know what seeds to start and when.

Build a Cold Frame

You're not only going to love completing this project. You're going to love all the veggies you'll enjoy for years to come. There's a variety of different cold frame options out there. Our favorite is when you salvage an old window and build the frame around that. You'll need to pick out the right lumber, which we will be able to help you with at Santee Hardware.

Build Raised Beds

Even easier to build than a cold frame are raised beds. These will save your back in gardening season and will allow you more control over your soil. Just four pieces of wood and some screws and you'll have this done in no time. We can help you pick out what wood and screws to use.

One last tip is to take a good look at your yard while it's covered in snow. Take note of where the snow starts to melt first. These are the areas of your yard that get the best light and will most likely be the best areas to plant come Spring!


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Santee Hardware

800 Bass Drive

Santee, SC 29142


(803)854-9233 FAX

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